11 Amaretto Circuit, Manor Lakes, Wyndhamvale, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3024

About Poornima Vamsi


Hey Lovely Soul,

I am sure you are eager to know who I am and a tad bit of what I do!

I’m a mom to two adorable sons, a wife to my soulmate, and a Melbourne, Australia-based coach here to serve her purpose. Speaking of which, I am the Author of the life-changing book, HORMONE RESET.’


There was a time I was struggling with both my physical and mental health. Weighing 90 kgs wasn’t a picnic, especially when I had to carry the burden of thyroid, ankylosing spondylitis, postpartum depression, PCOD, and so on.

From someone with constant mood swings, mom guilt, worthlessness, and lethargy, I was fortunate enough to move on to a life of extreme health, happiness, abundance, and energy to do whatever the heck I wanted! 

Even though almost the entire world says otherwise, the transformation had been super easy! Once I ditched the cliches and embraced my newfound knowledge about concepts like transformational, mutation, energetic activation, brain drain, radical self-love (not the superficial kind you see online), and energetic shadow, DREAM HEALTH became a cakewalk.

These words might sound unfamiliar and somewhat tricky to you. 

That’s what I’m here for! 

First, let’s burst a bubble. These are not alien words and phrases with high-tech scientific meanings.

These are incredibly simple and accessible concepts that every woman who wants to achieve her DREAM HEALTH can apply practically.

I’m a big advocate of never fully giving up on the traditional foods you grew up eating. Isn’t that a big part of your identity? 


If you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious regarding your physical and mental health, I consider it my core purpose on this earth to make things effortless for you. As humans, we have overcomplicated the process to achieve our dream health, dream body, and dream mental and emotional well-being.

But let me tell you something from my personal experience.

The journey to overcoming ankylosing spondylitis, postpartum depression, PCOD, being on steroids, lack of energy, mom guilt, and body image issues wasn’t as tough as I made it before I knew about hormone reset and energy alignment!

Just like I started getting my health in line from scratch, you can end up making the most out of your time with your loved ones in a healthy mind, body, and spirit. If your hopes are weathering away like-minded, consider yourself fortunate to have landed upon this brand-new information.

My mission here is to bust the myth that maintaining a balanced physical, mental, and emotional well-being is all about willpower, fat diets, and losing extra weight. The best version of yourself craves liberation, cheerfulness, alignment of feminine and masculine energies, and balanced hormones. Once you get these factors in line, everything else will fall into place.

Aesthetics are a happy bonus!


I used to hate every inch of myself when I looked in the mirror, not just because of my weight but because of a pang of guilt eating me away. I can never forget the moment my little one looked at me with eager eyes waiting for Mommy to play with him while I struggled to catch my breath. While I somehow held my cool in the moment, following that gut-wrenching feeling was an endless streak of negative and self-sabotaging thoughts.

But even though it felt like a never-ending track, there was finally light at the end of the tunnel. I refused to believe that misery was my ultimate destiny. There had to be a way I could get out of my self-loathing mind and body and be the best version of myself. And I ended up manifesting a massive abundance in every aspect of my life! 

As I write this, I sit comfortably in a cozy room while on a fun-filled and energetic holiday with the love of my life and my two beautiful kids. A while back, this was unimaginable.

The magical switch happened in just a matter of days! Not Years, DAYS!!!

But I couldn’t bear the thought of walking off into the sunset with my newfound progress hidden from the rest of the world. This information that saved my sanity for life had to be out there. 

My inner calling dictated that I was meant to serve you and everyone like you who is tired of the dark cloud looking for a tiny silver lining.

I’m blessed to offer you a path that leads to a powerful universe as I help you unleash your dream health that lies within you. Over the span of all these years, I have assisted many women tap into their consciousness and activate the rarely known divine feminine and masculine energy.

Want Some One-On-One Clarity?

To complement your understanding of these concepts, I urge you to contact me directly here for a quick & FREE 30-minute strategy session where I give you everything you need via a one-on-one experience.

FREE REVOLUTIONARY VIDEOSECRET power of your hormones and energetics!

Don't forget to check out this FREE REVOLUTIONARY VIDEO about the SECRET power of your hormones and energetics! 🤯

Hint: EVERY aspect of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is going to be transformed forever! 😍

Hormone Balance