11 Amaretto Circuit, Manor Lakes, Wyndhamvale, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3024



Any health advice by Poornima Vamsi is in no way a replacement for medical diagnosis. The information on this site or it’s products and services are strictly non-medical and are only meant as an assistance for the advancement of health. Results advertised can slightly vary. It takes utter dedication to achieve such results. We don’t believe in overnight dream health. You acknowledge that we do not make any representations as to the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual or health benefits or loss of any kind that may be a result of your participation in or the consumption of our Content, Programs, Products, and Services. We do not guarantee a particular result through the use of our Content, Programs, Products, and Services and you accept that results vary for each individual. We disclaim any responsibility for the actions, choices,  results, misuse, use,  or non-use of the information through any of our Content, Programs, Products, and Services. You agree that the results you witness are strictly your own and Poornima Vamsi Academy is not responsible or liable in any way for them.

Want Some One-On-One Clarity?

To complement your understanding of these concepts, I urge you to contact me directly here for a quick & FREE 30-minute strategy session where I give you everything you need via a one-on-one experience.

FREE REVOLUTIONARY VIDEOSECRET power of your hormones and energetics!

Don't forget to check out this FREE REVOLUTIONARY VIDEO about the SECRET power of your hormones and energetics! 🤯

Hint: EVERY aspect of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is going to be transformed forever! 😍

Hormone Balance